HowlinWulf: This is only partially true bars 3 through 6 can still be accessed using Shift-3 through Shift-6 only Shift-Scrolling will skip them.Īctive Oldest Votes. I see now that this was mentioned by Christian Ivicevic in a comment. So if you only enable 2 additional action bars, you will have 2 bars less on the scroll wheel method mentioned below by Williham Totland. It is important to note not sure if this is still the case though that when you enable the extra action bars bottom left, bottom right, and the 2 on the right hand side that the amount of alternative bars for the bar in the picture above decrease accordingly. Rich Rich 3 3 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges. Switch between actions bars in WOW? Ask Question. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
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